I am pursuing a PhD in programming languages at the University of Edinburgh, where I am supervised by Sam Lindley and Daan Leijen. I have interned at the RiSE group of Microsoft Research and the OCaml compiler team of Jane Street, where I worked on Koka and (modal) uniqueness types. I hold a BSc Mathematics and an MSc Computer Science from the University of Bonn, Germany.

Email: <firstname> . <lastname> @ed.ac.uk


Performance Optimizations for Functional Programming Languages

Tail Recursion Modulo Context: An Equational Approach (extended version)

Daan Leijen, Anton Lorenzen

Modal Effect Types

Wenhao Tang, Leo White, Stephen Dolan, Daniel Hillerström, Sam Lindley, Anton Lorenzen
[technical report]

Oxidizing OCaml with Modal Memory Management

Anton Lorenzen, Leo White, Stephen Dolan, Richard A. Eisenberg, Sam Lindley
ICFP 2024
[doi] [technical report] [related note] [blog post on locality] [blog post on uniqueness]

The Functional Essence of Imperative Binary Search Trees

Anton Lorenzen, Daan Leijen, Wouter Swierstra, Sam Lindley
PLDI 2024
[doi] [technical report] [poster] [AddressC]

FP²: Fully in-Place Functional Programming

Anton Lorenzen, Daan Leijen, Wouter Swierstra
ICFP 2023
[doi] [talk] [technical report] [hackernews]

Tail Recursion Modulo Context: An Equational Approach

Daan Leijen, Anton Lorenzen
POPL 2023
[doi] [talk] [extended version]

Reference Counting with Frame Limited Reuse

Anton Lorenzen, Daan Leijen
ICFP 2022
[doi] [talk] [technical report]

Optimizing Reference Counting with Borrowing

Master Thesis
supervised by Daan Leijen and Heiko Röglin [extended pdf]

Natural Language Proof Assistants


Anton Lorenzen, Peter Koepke
CICM 2022

Beautiful Formalizations in Isabelle/Naproche

Adrian De Lon, Peter Koepke, Anton Lorenzen, Adrian Marti, Marcel Schütz, Erik Sturzenhecker
CICM 2021

The Isabelle/Naproche Natural Language Proof Assistant

Adrian De Lon, Peter Koepke, Anton Lorenzen, Adrian Marti, Marcel Schütz, Makarius Wenzel
CADE 2021

A Natural Formalization of the Mutilated Checkerboard Problem in Naproche

Adrian De Lon, Peter Koepke, Anton Lorenzen
ITP 2021

Dealing with Soft Types in Naproche’s Logical Backend

Adrian De Lon, Peter Koepke, Anton Lorenzen
AITP 2021

Interpreting Mathematical Texts in Naproche-SAD

Adrian De Lon, Peter Koepke, Anton Lorenzen
CICM 2020

ForTheL for Type Theory

Adrian De Lon, Peter Koepke, Anton Lorenzen
AITP 2020

Informal Notes

OxCaml's Modes, Adjoint Natural Deduction, and Back

Anton Lorenzen

Lecture Notes for Frank Pfenning's course at OPLSS

Nicholas Coltharp, Anton Lorenzen, Wesley Nuzzo, Xiaotian Zhou

Simplified Logical Relation for FIP and Perceus

Anton Lorenzen